dam09 - the small window on the door of his room at the end of the corridor and the large window to the left were both completely covered with paper and a curtain so that nobody could see into his studio. I studied with Sokolov in the next room. This was the room beside the small staff kitchen in the AIM building in 2000 before it moved to the new premises. Come on, every man and his dog knows about old man Thompson and his boy-habit - everyone! it is the worst kept secret in musical circles. He left the NSW Conservatorium because he was about to get into a lot of trouble due to his actions, no other reason, a composer and member of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra told me what he was up to, filthy old man...most people knew that something was not right in that tight little circle of Makarovs who lived in the big house in Massey Street Gladesville and then at Pymble...
You people are completely deluded.
14.dam09(2010-06-04 7:28 AM)
P.S. Poverty stricken Ukrainian families? It's a new leimotif
13.dam09(2010-06-04 6:21 AM)
It seems you know Warren Thomson very well. By the way, during the trial of 2005 A. Y. claimed (from the witness box) that Thomson was his friend. Anyone who has some grey matter in his head, would be able to figure out who the puppet master was in this whole case.
12.dam09(2010-06-04 6:20 AM)
Makarov remains in prison because he was only acquitted in on case (of A.G) so far. The sentence has been reduced. The next retrial (with E.U.) is on the 12th of July. You are welcome to come to the Downing Centre to watch. Olexy Koltakov was the husband and a long term partner of Katerina Makarova so it would be abnormal if they didn’t sleep together, don’t you think?:) However, he supported Makarov because Olexy knew the allegations were untrue. Illya is not the poorest; I wonder where you get this information from. He is, on the contrary, from a well-educated successful family. Illya himself is one of the best piano teachers in Sydney. I don’t know what kind of help Illya could get from Makarov I studied at the AIM, the window in Makarov’s class was never covered, and it is just another innuendo.
11.wendy(2010-06-04 2:37 AM)
Makarov is an evil man. He was NOT acquitted of anything in NSW, he remains in prison as charged. You people are foolish to support him. So what if he plays and teaches music so well - that does not excuse his crimes! the women are worse, they would sell their children to him if they could just for the privilege of saying he taught their child. Olexy would support Makarov as he was sleeping with his daughter in 2000 and Ilya needs all the help from Makarov he can get as he is the poorest of the bunch which came out in '98. Yes, we all know how the AIM was run by homosexuals back then that is why they supported Makarov. Makarov and Warren Thompson are paedophiles!
10.wendy(2010-06-04 2:19 AM)
I remember Makarov from the AIM in 2000. I also remember how he had the window of his private tuition room covered over with brown paper so you could not see into it when all the other teachers there had to comply with the child protection laws and kept the windows looking into their tutorial rooms clear and visible. I also know how he took five teenage boys from poverty stricken Ukrainian families and promised them wonderful new lives in Australia - these desperate parents fell for his promises. Everyone in Sydney's music circles at the time were speaking about how 15 year old A. Y. was placed in the guardianship of the notorious paedophile WARREN THOMPSON - everyone knows how this man loves teenage boys and to place this under-aged boy in the care and home of this well known homosexual man...it was disgusting. EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT WARREN THOMPSON!!!
9.lindalinda(2010-04-17 4:03 PM)
You had my support, and you still have my support. Your fighting spirit is admirable.
8.Matt(2010-04-02 5:58 PM)
Dear Professor V.Makarov, I have found out about your Victory over G.! I always believed that you are innocent and finally, the truth came out. I feel sorry for G. and his friends: being so young, they already became Judas... They will get what they deserve. And I wish you new successful re-trials from my whole heart.
7.dam09(2010-03-29 3:19 PM)
And please, in the future, provide evidence to your words as giving false information, trying to discredit the person between his retrials on public forum, is a very serious legal issue. Also, the links to SMH and MAKO you've posted on Piano World are 5 year old. During all this time Professor kept fighting and two cases were ordered for retrial. The first one was successful.
P.S. Of course Professor Makarov is not a moderator, he is still in jail. Did you think there was an internet access in every cell?
6.dam09(2010-03-29 3:18 PM)
Dear Lost in Wonder,
I'm replying you on this site as I was banned on Piano World forum for posting the news on Professor Makarov's retrial victory. Despite the fact that on the 24th of March 2010 Professor was found not guilty on all charges in his first retrial, you posted a false information on Piano World forum, stating that "There have been NO new developments in this case and there has been no reports either". An official paper with verdict will be published soon on this site. You further write: "There is no non-publication ruling on this case even if there was Australian law will still allow it to be reported in the media in some form". So you know there is no publication order or you think so? And if there is no publication order, the retrial still took place?
5.Lost in Wonder(2010-03-29 10:43 AM)
Makarov is not even the moderator of this forum
4.Lost in Wonder(2010-03-29 10:41 AM)
God will judge the wicked. You can pull the sheets over humans eyes, but the lord sees through you. Stand strong if you are innocent, tremble until your death if you are not.
Dear Viktor! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! I congratulate you on the birth of your first grandson. It's a great and happy event in the life of every family. Give my regards to Victoria and Katya. I am also a granny of a boy (Nikita, 2 years and 4 months). I am not much of a Christian in my everyday life but I still strongly believe that we will be judged by God afterwards and all the traitors and tormentors of yours will get everything they deserve.
2.Caroline(2009-11-17 1:42 PM)
When I heard what happened I couldn't believe that something like this could happen to a person like you, you sound like a very caring, generous man. I am convinced you are not guilty and I hope you get what you deserve.
1.Leo and Tania(2009-11-16 4:43 PM)
Dear Victor! We remember the time when you came to Sydney with your wife, daughter and 5 teenagers which were part of your family and you raised them as your own sons. Without thinking about time, finance, your own health you gave them all your knowledge and devotion. Seeing their achievements today we can say that you managed to bring new fine musicians to the world! Unfortunately, talking about 3 of them, we know that a "fine musician" is not equivalent to a "fine human being". There are things which can't be tought: honesty, humanity, thankfulness...
We are glad and proud that Ilya and Olexy stood up for you through this difficult time. From the beginning of this horrible ordeal we admire your courage, strength, integrity. And we hope that soon those who betrayed you will feel the need to clean their souls and tell the truth.